American Legion Jersey Boys State

American Legion Jersey Boys State
A Week That Shapes the Future

About Our Site

The American Legion Jersey Boys State website was originally developed by Andrew MacFarlane of ICSoftware, who was generous enough to devote many hours to the development and maintenance of the site, as well as the financial backing to support it. Much thanks go to Andrew and all of his hard work and dedication through the years.

This site is now maintained by the Technology Committee of the New Jersey Boys State Foundation (as of April 2005). Members of this committee continue to donate their time and efforts to create a dynamic and informative site for the delegates, parents, sponsors, staff and friends of the ALJBS program.

Technical Specifications

Due to the goals of our Technology Committee for dynamic and neat looking content, this page is best viewed with a browser with JavaScript enabled. Our goal is to enable usable content for all browsers, from desktops to tablets and phones. We hope our new site format enables a better presentation on mobile devices and workstations alike. The bulk of the technologies utilized within this site are: HTML 4/5, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, Perl/CGI, SQL, and MySQL. New technologies are always being evaluated for development.

Legal Disclaimer & Copyright Information

The information presented on this site is a compilation of Official National American Legion and American Legion Department of New Jersey literature, as well as observations and procedures observed from past American Legion Jersey Boys State sessions. Its intended use is to educate the public of NJ and citizens of other states about our program. Opinions and information expressed in our "Features" section, as well as any sites that have been produced by past statesmen (found via the Election Results pages) do not necessarily reflect the opinions that of the American Legion, the New Jersey Department of the American Legion, American Legion Posts in New Jersey, the State of New Jersey, nor American Legion Jersey Boys State and its Trustees. This site was created by volunteers and is edited for content by volunteer ALJBS staff. Please contact the Technology Committee with any issues regarding privacy and the opinions expressed herein.

All trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. Unless identified otherwise, the contents of this website are copyrighted by American Legion Jersey Boys State. American Legion Jersey Boys State hereby authorizes you to copy documents published by American Legion Jersey Boys State on the World Wide Web for non-commercial use within your organization only. Moreover, we encourage American Legion Department of New Jersey related programs to link to our content in the event and likelihood that our literature and promotional materials are subject to change. In consideration of this authorization, you agree that any copy of these documents you make shall retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained herein.

You may not alter the content of this website in any manner. If you are interested in using the contents of this website in any manner except as described above, please contact the Technology Committee for further information.

Individual documents published by American Legion Jersey Boys State on the World Wide Web may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information specific to that individual document. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel or otherwise any license or right under any patent, trademark or other property right of "American Legion Jersey Boys State" or any third party. Except as expressly provided above nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring any license or right under any copyright or other property right of American Legion Jersey Boys State or any third party. Note that any product, process, or technology in this document may be the subject of other intellectual property rights reserved by American Legion Jersey Boys State and may not be licensed here under.

About the Technology Committee

As stated above, this site is now maintained by the Technology Committee of the New Jersey Boys State Foundation. The subcommittee charged with this maintenance and creation is headed by Assistant Director Dominic F. Santillo.

Other key members of the Technology include:
Assistant Director/Dean of Technology Brian Epstein, Assistant Dean of Technology Bryce Liskovec, and Digital/Web Copywriter Ty Clark.

Each of the men listed here and many more, play a key role in the deployment of computers for use by the delegates to ALJBS each June. For more information about the work the Technology Committee does, please click here.

Questions, Comments, Contact...

Please forward all comments, suggestions for content and questions regarding American Legion Jersey Boys State and it's site to the webmaster. Thank you for visiting our site.