American Legion Jersey Boys State

American Legion Jersey Boys State
A Week That Shapes the Future

Keynote & Notable Speakers

From former governors to business leaders, republicans to democrats. From assemblymen to soldiers, here are some former speakers who have given speeches on a variety of topics from fighting on the battle lines to arguments in the senate.

-- Ari Fleischer, Former White House Press Secretary
-- Christopher J. Christie*, Governor of New Jersey
-- Senator Robert Menendez*, US Senator
-- Senator Cory Booker*, US Senator
-- Rep. Leonard Lance*, US House of Representatives
-- Charles Wiley, Nationally Renowned Reporter
-- Thomas Byrne, former Chairman of the New Jersey State Democratic Committee
-- Christine Todd Whitman, former NJ Governor and EPA Secretary
-- Jim McGreevey, former NJ Governor
-- Thomas Keane, Jr., NJ State Senator
-- Jon Corzine, former NJ Governor
-- William Shluter, former NJ State Senator
-- Doug Forrester, Republican Gubernatorial Candidate
-- Herbert Conaway*, NJ State Assemblyman
-- Admiral Michael Ratliff, retired Former Director of Naval Intelligence
-- Dr. Ernest Reock, retired Director of Governmental Studies, Rutgers University
-- Capt. Bernard O'Neill, US Air Force Pilot

* Indicates Alumni of the American Legion Jersey Boys State Program