Information for Alternates
Each year, over 300 young men are named as Alternates to the Jersey Boys State program. A few lucky young men are
chosen to attend the prestigious program each year. The bottom line comes down to financing. The American Legion posts
that sponsor the delegates, will often choose 1 or 2 alternates in case something comes up and the delegate backs out. Alternates
should attend the county orientation meetings, and should keep in touch with the sponsoring Posts' Boys State Chairman, to ensure they are
ready should something happen to the delegate chosen. As well, posts will sometime find other sponsors such as a Rotary or Kiwanis Club
to help sponsor ideal candidates.
Some times, an alternate may be called up until the morning of the program (Father's Day) and be awarded a delegate's spot. There is no guarantee that the Alternate will be able to attend our program, only the spot of the Delegate is ensured in this manner. Speak with your sponsoring posts' Boys State Chairman or the County Chairman for further instruction as the session approaches.
Some times, an alternate may be called up until the morning of the program (Father's Day) and be awarded a delegate's spot. There is no guarantee that the Alternate will be able to attend our program, only the spot of the Delegate is ensured in this manner. Speak with your sponsoring posts' Boys State Chairman or the County Chairman for further instruction as the session approaches.