American Legion Jersey Boys State

American Legion Jersey Boys State
A Week That Shapes the Future

Rules & Guidelines


The following "Boys State Laws" or guidelines have been established and amended by prior sessions of American Legion Jersey Boys State. In order to ensure a pleasurable week for all delegates, we expect you to abide by these laws. They are to be taken seriously and we expect your full cooperation.

The following laws are in effect at Boys State when it is in session. In addition to these laws, the laws enacted by the various levels of government will be considered as important. Minor law violators will be tried in the municipal courts. Major law violators may be called to the Director and may be subject to dismissal from the Boys State program. The sponsor, high school and parents of any expelled delegate will be notified.


 Sec. 1: No citizen may leave the Boys State area of the Rider University Campus during the continuance of Boys State except by a written pass signed by the Director. Leave passes will be issued only in cases of extreme emergency. Any citizen violating this section shall be guilty of a major law violation.

 Sec. 2: All equipment is the property of either American Legion Jersey Boys State or Rider University. Any citizen who damages, misuses or destroys any property, including signs, shall be guilty of a major law violation.

Sec. 3: Any citizen who shall use or possess liquor of any type or drugs shall be guilty of a major law violation and immediately subject to expulsion.

Sec. 4: Any citizen tampering with the US Mail shall be guilty of a major law violation.

Sec. 5: Any citizen who shall use his or any other automobile during the period of Boys State without the written permission of the Director shall be guilty of a major law violation.

Sec. 6: Any physical violence against any other citizen or staff member shall be guilty of a major law violation.

Sec. 7: Any citizen who shall possess or handle firearms or fireworks on the grounds of Boys State shall be guilty of a major law violation.

Sec. 8: Any citizen who fails to obey the instructions of a staff member shall be guilty of a major law violation.

Sec. 9: Any citizen who makes derogatory remarks about another citizen or staff member shall be guilty of a major law violation.

Sec. 10: Any citizen out of his city after lights out shall be guilty of a major law violation.

Sec. 11: Any citizen who causes a disruption or disturbance shall be guilty of a major law violation.

Sec. 12: All campaign materials must be developed and constructed during your week as a bona fide citizen of Boys State. Signs will be in good taste at all times. The use of professional materials, outside materials, or materials prepared prior to registration at Boys State is a major law violation and will disqualify those concerned. 

Sec. 13:  Any citizen who permits any person, male or female, who is not a citizen or staff member of ALJBS into ALJBS dorms without the permission of the Director shall be guilty of a major law violation.

Sec. 14: Any citizen smoking or using any tobacco product during Boys State shall be guilty of a major law violation.


Sec. 15: Any citizen who shall not be in his room after lights out shall be guilty of a minor law violation unless excused in advance by his city counselor.

Sec. 16: Any citizen, who shall gamble using legal tender or a substitute thereof, shall be guilty of a minor law violation.

Sec. 17: Any citizen who shall fail to attend a general assembly meeting, seminar or any other meeting and who is not excused by his counselor shall be guilty of a minor law violation.

Sec. 18: Any citizen who litters on the grounds of Boys State shall be guilty of a minor law violation.

Sec. 19: Any citizen who shall deviate from the normal walkways and passageways used by the citizens of Boys State without special direction from a member of the Boys State staff shall be guilty of a minor law violation.

Sec. 20: Any citizen who is late for any scheduled meeting shall be guilty of a minor law violation.

Sec. 21: Any citizen lacking the proper ALJBS nametag and proper uniform shall be guilty of a minor law violation.

Sec. 22: Any citizen, who engages in disorderly conduct that is disrespectful, makes comments or performs actions against any ALJBS personnel or students on campus shall be guilty of a minor law violation.

Sec. 23: No food may be delivered or purchased from off campus vendors without the permission of their city counselor. Any citizen disobeying this rule shall be guilty of a minor law violation.

Sec. 24: Any citizen carrying in an "on" position or using a cellular phone, pager, or beeper outside of the city limits shall be guilty of a minor law violation.


1.        All candidates must file a petition to run for elected offices. A candidate may run for only one office per election process. For example, when we get there in the Program that means they cannot run for both legislative and county elected offices.

2.        All elections are to be run from the top of the slate down.

3.        No one shall hold two elected offices. If someone is elected to a higher office, a special election will be held to fill the vacancy.

4.        All party offices (National and Federal Party positions) will remain distinct and separate from local, county, and state offices. Holding a higher Party office does not mean that you must vacate any local, county, or state elected offices. In addition, holding a higher elected city, county or state office does not mean that you must vacate any party office.

5.        All appointees remain in office for the entire week regardless of what they are elected to.

6.        The statesman elected to State Party Chairman cannot run for Governor but may run for Boys Nation Senator.

7.        Use only local, county and state issues when drafting a platform. National and worldwide issues should be limited to the Boys Nation election.

8.        ONLY material purchased at the Political Desk can be used in campaigns. Any statesman caught using outside materials will automatically be disqualified from the election.

9.        The city lounge or grassy area's outside the city is to be used for all city meetings unless otherwise stated in the schedule.

10.     A city manual, to be drafted by the citizens and prepared on the city PC, of the city and coordinated by the Mayor shall be turned in to the office by 4:30 PM on Thursday. This manual shall reflect the political attitude of the city, describe what you did during the week (both actual and fictitious), and will be used to help determine the Walter and Evelyn Howell Outstanding City Award on Friday.

11.     A county manual, to be drafted by the citizens of the county and prepared on the city PCs, and coordinated by the senior county official shall be turned in to the ALJBS office by 10:30 PM on Thursday. This manual shall reflect the political attitude of the county, describe what you did during the week (both actual and fictitious), and will be used to help determine the Harold and Lillian Eaton Outstanding County Award on Friday.

12.  All ties will be run off immediately.

13.     All elections will be won by the highest vote getters.

14.     We expect 100% cooperation and 100% participation.

15.     Any candidate wishing to run for office should seek out his party chairman for help and support.

16.     The legislature will meet at times shown in the schedule and other times to be set by legislative advisors.

17.     Stress that these elections should not be a popularity contest and their elected officials will determine how successful their week is.

18.     All elections are secret ballot except for the city primary elections (can also be secret paper ballot at the Senior City Counselors discretion).

19.     Statesmen must receive permission from counselors before entering another city.

20.     Only 2 parties allowed because of time constraints.

21.     The Boys State Governor may not run for Boys Nation Senator.

22.     The unsuccessful Gubernatorial general election candidate is automatically one of his party's primary candidates for Boys Nation Senator.

23.    All State Senate, State Assembly, Governor, and Boys Nation Senator election candidates must complete a Political Contribution Reporting Form and turn it in to the Political Desk prior to the end of the election. Failure to do so may disqualify the candidate from the position.