American Legion Jersey Boys State

American Legion Jersey Boys State
A Week That Shapes the Future

Open Positions at ALJBS

Below is a list of the positions available at ALJBS. As you can see, we have seperated the elected positions from the appointed positions. You will need to petition within your party and win your party's primary to take part in the general election for those positions. To be appointed to the other position, you'll need to make friends and influence others on your way to the top - ALJBS Governor or Boys Nation Senator. Best of luck!

City Elected Positions

Mayor - The elected mayor will be the leader of the city and will perform all the duties that the senior city counselor had up until that point. They will keep the city running in good order, lead the city at Retreat, coordinate the city manual, etc. They will appoint some of their fellow citizens to public positions such as municipal judge, city clerk, and tax collector.

City Council - The city council members will work with the Mayor to appoint citizens to fill city positions and play a part in the day to day workings of the city. They may also have other duties that the mayor will appoint to them such as oversight of the city manual and position descriptions.

Ward Leaders - These individuals will be responsible for making sure that each and every citizen is accounted for before the city goes to any assembly or group function. They will also help to enforce order at all city meetings as well as helping their sister city's ward leaders maintain order at all county functions.

Guide-On Bearer - This individual will be the primary person responsible for the city's guide-on. This person will be responsible for leading the city to and from various meetings, events, and meals. Initially, until a Mayor is elected, this delegate will lead the City at the daily retreat ceremony. This delegate will also assist the counselors initially in making sure that the City is on time to all scheduled events. Height or junior military or scouting experience is a plus for this position.

City Newspaper Editor - This delegate will be an important part of the Jersey Statesman, Boys State's daily newspaper. He will be part of the senior editorial staff and will have a chance to run for one of the senior positions at the Statesman (Managing Editor or Assistant Managing Editor). This delegate will be his city's liaison to the paper and will be in-charge of collecting any articles from his city for publication. The ideal delegate for this position will have some high school journalism experience.

Election Board Officials - These officials will run all the elections held in the city, as well as move on to help run the county and state elections. Being an EBO does not prevent a delegate from holding another ALJBS office nor do they have to resign as an EBO if elected to an office.

Postmaster - He is responsible for collecting mail form the statesmen and bringing it to the office, and for collecting mail from the office and delivering it to the statesmen. This is done daily and can only be done by the postmaster. The Postmaster may have other duties, such as a couple of times a day checking the cities messages on the ALJBS Intranet for incoming messages or sending messages to other cities. The Postmaster may also be responsible for designing the cities web site.

Athletic Director - The AD is responsible, along with your sister city's AD, for the county's sports teams. They need to organize teams, post all schedules, keep records and give the correct sports scores to the sports department. It is recommended that the AD participate on a team. The AD is also responsible to stress the importance of having enough players' show up to play a sport (many times championships have been lost because of forfeits).

City Appointed Positions

Director of Parks and Public Property - This appointed individual is responsible for maintaining the outside of the city in a neat and presentable condition reflective of the integrity of his city.

Director of Finance - This appointed person is a member of the city final party committee. They are in charge of all the money collected for the party.

Director of Public Works - This appointed individual is part of a team of three with the Building Inspector and Supervisor of Streets responsible for reporting any needed repairs to the city counselor or the city's mayor.

Director of Public Safety - This appointed individual is responsible for ensuring that all athletic participants have sneakers and are properly attired when reporting to recreation. He is also responsible for submitting a written report of any accidents that occur, or any hazardous conditions that exist to the city counselor, immediately.

Webmaster - This appointed individual will have the primary responsibility of creating the city's website as well as assisting his sister city's webmaster in the creation of the county website. He should have some skills in html/website design. Knowledge of css stylesheets, xml, and Linux/unix are an added plus but not required.

Dogcatcher - This individual is responsible for reporting any abnormal animal behavior to the appropriate authorities. This includes but is not limited to, stray animals, erratic behavior in wild animals, indoor pest problems, etc.

Treasurer - This appointed person is responsible for handling all of the money that the city takes in from taxes and other fees.

City Clerk - This person is the custodian of all of the city records and secretary to the city council. He will be an invaluable resource when the city is making it's city manual and website with the information that he is responsible for.

Municipal Judge - This individual presides over the city's municipal court. He will attend a special seminar at the New Jersey State Courthouse about his position. This individual should have aspirations to go into Law or a related field in college.

Prosecutor - This appointed individual is responsible for instituting and carrying on the legal proceedings against those charged by the police department. He will attend a special seminar at the New Jersey State Courthouse about his position. This individual should have aspirations to go into Law or a related field in college.

Public Defender - This appointed individual is responsible for arguing the case on behalf of the defendant. He will attend a special seminar at the New Jersey State Courthouse about his position. This individual should have aspirations to go into Law or a related field in college.

Clerk of Court - This individual is responsible for maintaining records of all municipal court cases. In addition, he is responsible for finding time to conduct municipal court and for notifying the city of these arrangements.

Fire Chief - This appointed person, in conjunction with the police department, is responsible for strictly enforcing all fire regulations. In addition he must plan and explain to the city evacuation procedure in the event of a fire.

Chief of Police - This appointed individual, along with his two Police Officers from different floors, are collectively responsible for maintaining order within the city.

Police Officer1 - This appointed individual, along with the Police chief and another Police Officer from different floors, are collectively responsible for maintaining order within the city.

Police Officer2 - This appointed individual, along with the Police chief and another Police Officer from different floors, are collectively responsible for maintaining order within the city.

Health Commissioner - This individual who is also a member of the Board of Health is responsible with two other Board of Health Members are responsible for maintaining a clean and healthy community. This should include, but not be limited to: making daily inspections of the individual rooms, ensuring the the bathrooms and hallways are maintained in a clean and healthy fashion. The city police department is contacted for any assistance needed in enforcement

Building Inspector - This appointed individual is part of a team of three with the Director of Public Works and Supervisor of Streets responsible for reporting any needed repairs to the city counselor or the city's mayor.

Tax Assessor - This appointed person is a member of the city final party committee as well as helping the city council to decide on how to appropriately tax the city.

Tax Collector - This appointed person is a member of the city final party committee as well as being responsible for collecting the taxes that the mayor imposes upon his citizens. They may also be in charge of helping to collect money for the city's final party.

Superintendent of Schools - This individual, as well as maintaining his responsibilities as a member of the school Board of Education, must make sure that all citizens report to their respective seminars.

Welfare Director - This appointed person serves as chairman of the city final party committee. They may also have added responsibilities of dealing with citizens who are unable to pay their taxes.

Supervisor of Streets - This appointed individual is part of a team of three with the Building Inspector and Director of Public Works responsible for reporting any needed repairs to the city counselor or the city's mayor.

County Elected Positions

County Party Chair - This individual will run and organize the county party meetings that will be used to elect members of his party to county elected positions. He will also become a part of the state party executive committee that will help to elect a member of his party to the office of Governor or the position of Boys Nation senator.

County Party Vice-Chair - This individual will assist the county party chairman in running his county party meetings. He will also become a part of the state party executive committee that will help to elect a member of his party to the office of Governor or the position of Boys Nation senator.

County Sergeant-at-arms - This individual will keep order at the county meetings and may appoint any of the other city ward leaders or policemen to assist him. He will ensure that the citizens speak in turn and that everyone has an equal right to be heard.

County Secretary - This individual will keep a record of the county meetings for any future reason that they may be needed such as in the county manual, or to assist his party with addressing the county's issues.

County Leader - This individual will be elected to run the county which consists of their city and their sister city. They will be responsible for keeping the two cities working well together in their county and responsible for the county manual.

County Freeholder - The county freeholders will work with the county leader to appoint citizens to fill county positions and play a part in all meetings between the two cities. They may also have other duties that the county leader will appoint to them such as oversight of the county manual and position descriptions.

County Sheriff - The county sheriff will help maintain order at county meetings and also oversee any violations between two members of the sister cities.

County Surrogate - The county surrogate will assist the freeholders and clerk in maintenance of all county records. They will also play a large role in assisting with the county manual.

County Clerk - The county clerk is responsible for keeping track of all of the records of and about the appointed individuals in the county. The county clerk may also help the county sheriff by maintaining the records for all trials and proceedings that go on in the county.

County Appointed Positions

County Manager - This individual is hired by the county freeholders to run the all of the business aspects of the county. He will be responsible for for many of the same duties as the county freeholders.

County Prosecutor - This individual is a constitutional officer and is appointed in each county of the State by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. He will be in charge of any special court cases that go to the State Supreme Court.

Coroner - This appointed individual also known as the County Medical Examiner will report any illnesses or injuries to the county freeholders and maintain health records that will go into his county's manual.

Engineer - The individual in this county appointed position will be in charge of keeping all of the documents and plans that his county may use for building bridges or highways. His documents will be necessary for his county's manual.

Parks Commissioner - This appointed individual, along with the two city's Director of Parks and Property are responsible for maintaining the outside of the county in a neat and presentable condition reflective of the integrity of his county.

Under Sheriff - This individual will assist the county sheriff in the enforcement of the county laws. He may also assist in county court proceedings.

Warden - This appointed individual will be in charge of any citizens who have been given the punishment of imprisonment or other lesser sentences.

Road Supervisor - This appointed individual will be responsible for keeping documents pertaining to the state of the roads in his county. His records will be necessary for the county manual.

Probation Officer - He will be responsible for fully investigating and submitting written reports to the county court detailing all pertinent information about the cases they may be handling. He will also assist the Warden in enforcement of the sentences that the Court hands down to its citizens.

Purchasing Agent - This appointed individual will be in charge of all materials and supplies to be purchased for all institutions, departments, boards and commissions of the county and shall purchase all supplies and materials for their use.

Board of Health1 - This individual, one of whom is also the Health Commissioner and the other two being a member of the Board of Health are responsible for maintaining a clean and healthy community. This should include, but not be limited to: making daily inspections of the individual rooms, ensuring the the bathrooms and hallways are maintained in a clean and healthy fashion. The city police department is contacted for any assistance needed in enforcement.

Board of Health2 - This individual, one of whom is also the Health Commissioner and the other two being a member of the Board of Health are responsible for maintaining a clean and healthy community. This should include, but not be limited to: making daily inspections of the individual rooms, ensuring the the bathrooms and hallways are maintained in a clean and healthy fashion. The city police department is contacted for any assistance needed in enforcement.

Board of Health3 - This individual, one of whom is also the Health Commissioner and the other two being a member of the Board of Health are responsible for maintaining a clean and healthy community. This should include, but not be limited to: making daily inspections of the individual rooms, ensuring the the bathrooms and hallways are maintained in a clean and healthy fashion. The city police department is contacted for any assistance needed in enforcement.

Welfare Board1 - This individual will be a member of the County Welfare Board who will report to the State Department of Welfare.

Welfare Board2 - This individual will be a member of the County Welfare Board who will report to the State Department of Welfare.

County Adjuster - This individual is responsible for the supervision of and preparations of papers relating to the commitment of the insane and in cases arising in other causes where the legal settlement appears to be in his county.

County Council - These appointed individual are in charge of the county's courts and legal department.

State Elected Positions

State Senate - (Elected during County elections) The individuals elected to the state senate will be responsible for addressing all the issues facing the different cities and counties in boys state. These individuals hold some of the highest elected positions at Boys state and will participate in very important legislative activities during the week.

State Assembly - (Elected during County elections) The individuals elected to the state assembly will be responsible for addressing all the issues facing the different cities and counties in boys state. These individuals hold some of the highest elected positions at Boys state and will participate in very important legislative activities during the week.

Governor - The governor of boys state holds the highest position possible in the ALJBS political structure. They will preside over the state's legislative body and decide over the bills that come before him. He will be sworn in by the current governor of the state of New Jersey and remain in this position until a new governor is elected at Boys State the following year. Coming in 2009, Leitenant Governor!

Boys Nation Senate - The two individuals elected to Boys Nation Senator will be required to go for one week to Washington DC to participate in the Boys Nation program. You may go for further information on this program.

State Appointed Positions

President of Senate - Appointed from within the Senate. The President shall take the chair and call the members to order and, upon the appearance of a quorum, shall take up the business of the meeting.

•  He shall have a general direction of of the Senate Chamber and the lobby and gallery thereof, together with such rooms, corridors and passages as may be assigned to the use of the Senate. In case of disturbance or disorderly conduct in the gallery or in the lobby, he may cause the same to be cleared or the offending persons to be arrested and removed.

•  He shall rise to put a question (motion). He shall preserve order and decorum and in debate shall prevent personal reflections, and confine members to the question under discussion; but he shall not engage in any debate, nor propose his opinion on any questions without first calling on some member to occupy the Chair. When two or more members arise at the same time, he shall name the one entitled to the floor.

•  He shall decide questions of order and transgressions in debate, subject to an appeal to the Senate, by any members. The senate shall, if appealed to, decide on the case, but without debate, and the votes of a majority of those present and voting shall prevail.

•  He shall state all questions before the Senate and shall distinctly put such questions in the following form: "As many as are in favor of (the question) will vote 'aye'"; and after the affirmative is expressed, "Those of a contrary opinion will vote 'no'". If the President doubts the results, he will order a roll call vote to be taken.

•  He shall appoint all committees, unless otherwise specially directed by the Senate.

•  He shall from day to day prepare a Calendar of Bills and Recommendations for consideration in order of his pleasure.

•  He shall sign certificates as to the passage by Senate of all acts and joint resolutions and all concurrent resolutions when so directed by the Senate.

•  If the President shall desire temporarily to vacate the Chair during any meeting, he shall request the President pro tem, or name another member to perform the duties of the Chair.

•  The President pro tem shall possess all the powers and discharge all the duties of the President when the latter is absent.

•  The President shall, at the annual organization meeting, assign seats in the Senate to the sever Senate districts (counties in ALJBS) for the use of their members.

Attorney General

Supreme Court Chief Justice

Supreme Court Associate Justices (6)

Superior Court Appellate Division Judges (3)

Department of Agriculture Board (5)

Department of Agriculture Secretary

Department of Banking & Insurance Commissioner

Department of Banking & Insurance Deputy Commissioner (Bureau of Banking)

Department of Banking & Insurance Deputy Commissioner (Bureau of Insurance)

Department of Banking & Insurance Deputy Commissioner (Bureau of Savings & Loan)

Department of Civil Service Chief Examiner

Department of Community Affairs Commissioner

Department of Defense Chief of Staff

Department of Homeland Security Advisor

Department of Education Commissioner

Department of Education Board Members (9)

Department of Higher Education Chancellor

Department of Health Commissioner

County Court Judge (one per county)