News Archive

Letter to 2018 Delegates

May 20, 2018

Dear 2018 American Legion Jersey Boys State Delegates:

On behalf of the American Legion Department of New Jersey, the officers, trustees, and staff of American Legion Jersey Boys State, Program co-sponsors, and your school educators and administrators, congratulations on being selected to attend the 2018 American Legion Jersey Boys State ("ALJBS") Program.

ALJBS is one of the best and most prestigious youth Programs in the United States today. Sponsored by the American Legion Department of New Jersey, we have an exciting session planned for you with many new and exciting activities and speakers. This session will mark our 73rd anniversary, we have lined up more speakers, former delegates from past sessions who have achieved the highest offices of Governor and Boys Nation Senators, and with other festivities planned, 2018 will be our best yet.

As a delegate, you will have the opportunity to govern and interact with some of the top high school juniors from across the State of New Jersey and run your own mythical 51st state. You will have a unique opportunity to not only learn about but try to find solutions to the real life problems facing our municipalities, counties and the state as a whole. You will also hear how your real life counterparts are dealing with those same issues in their jobs as councilmen, mayors, freeholders, county executives, assemblymen, senators, and governor.

We are often asked by future delegates how to best prepare for the upcoming session. First and foremost, be prepared to get involved in the program the minute you arrive. ALJBS is a fast paced program that covers a lot of ground in a short period of time. If you do not get involved from the start, you will wish you had. Many offices and appointments are decided in the first couple of days of the program. Second, read your local newspaper as well as the Trenton Times and Newark Star Ledger to familiarize yourself with the types of issues that you will face at ALJBS. Third, get plenty of rest immediately preceding ALJBS. As previously mentioned, ALJBS is a fast paced program that keeps you busy all day late into the night. If you come to the program tired, you may have problems keeping up with your fellow delegates. Lastly, familiarize yourself with the information contained in this website and in the information package that will be e-mailed to you by American Legion Jersey Boys State prior to Memorial Day.

Once again, congratulations on being selected to American Legion Jersey Boys State. We look forward to an exciting session and seeing you at Rider University on Sunday, June 17th at 7:30 am. We know you will do your parents, school and sponsors proud.

David S. Bagatelle
American Legion Jersey Boys State

Theodore J. Howarth, Jr.
American Legion Jersey Boys State Corporation

originally posted May 20, 2018