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ALJBS opens 61st session

Major Hunt of NJ State Police challenges delegates to get involved

Major Hunt overlooking the delegates as they listen to city descriptions

The 61st session of American Legion Jersey Boys State began this morning on the campus of Rider University with the registration of 816 delegates in Rider's new Student Recreation Center. Delegates then arrived in their cities and were orientated by their counselors. Later in the day the session was opened by a gavel given to new Director David Bagatelle by the ALJBS Staff. After a short welcome by Director Bagatelle, Major John Hunt of the New Jersey State Police challenged the delegates to get involved early. Major Hunt also encouraged delegates to show an appreciation for veterans. Other speakers included Dr. Ernest Reock (Retired Director of Governmental Studies, Rutgers University) educated the delegates on the forms of city government in NJ, and George Laufenberg, speech writer for Governor Jon Corzine.

Later in the evening, delegates began the political process by selecting their form of City Government, choosing Ward Leaders for each city's two political parties and filling slates (via petition) for Elected City offices such as Mayor and Councilman. You can track your son's progress via our Election Results page by clicking here.

Click here for a pdf version of the full 2006 delegate schedule.

originally posted June 18, 2006