News Archive

Director Bagatelle gavels in 65th ALJBS session at Rider U

Congressman Leonard Lance addresses 2010 delegates at first assembly

Congressman Leonard Lance addresses 2010 delegates at first assembly

Director David S. Bagatelle, the 6th Director in the history of American Legion Jersey Boys State, began yesterday's first General Assembly by declaring the 2010 session "open" with three smart taps of the gavel. Director Bagatelle's address to the 2010 delegates encouraged them to do four things while at this year's 65th session "be respectful, get involved, don't get discouraged, and try your best." Following the Director's address, American Legion Department of New Jersey Commander Bob Looby addressed the delegation as well as friends of the program Major John Hunt (ret) of the NJ State Police and NJ Congressman Leonard Lance (7th District).

The last 24 hours were very busy for all of the delegates. They participated in City Party meetings, electing Ward Leaders and a City Party Executive Committee for each of the Federal and National parties. Each city chose a form of City Government to address their City Descriptions, and began filling the slate for each municipal election (Mayor and Council). By now, all cities have elected their city leadership and have already chosen a form of County Government. A busy first 32 hours indeed.

Please click here to follow your son's progress throughout the week, you may search by name or city name and result.

Check back on our site throughout the week for Election Results, pictures from the session and information for Friday's Family Day Event and Graduation Ceremony.

originally posted June 21, 2010