American Legion Jersey Boys State

American Legion Jersey Boys State
A Week That Shapes the Future

What to Bring

Below is a sample packing list and will give you a good idea for what to pack as a delegate for the session at Rider. Remember, you will be in your Boys State shirt for most of the day; there is no need to pack many shirts. The dorms are not air conditioned; however the dining, academic areas and locations for general assemblies are temperature controlled.

NOW: Complete Ahead of Time

•  REQUIRED: Medical Form on CampDoc. Log in through ALJBS application system ( Ensure 100% attained - all questions answered and physician certification/school physical uploaded to the site prior to arrival.
•  Optional: Samsung Scholarship. Completely online, accessed from this page on our site. Certain qualifications apply.

DAY OF: Carry to Check-in

•  REQUIRED: Email with City Assignment - from the email packet of material sent from This will have city/dorm assignment and other pertinent information.
•  REQUIRED: Your Completed Permit to Check-in - from the email packet of material sent from, bring the completed Permit to Check-in signed by you and your parent/guardian.
•  Optional: Extra Shirt payment - Cash or Personal Check for $20.00 made payable to "American Legion Jersey Boys State" or ALJBS *

•  DO NOT BRING: Campaign Material. No outside campaign material is allowed. Only materials provided by Boys State are allowed for use in ALJBS elections

See also the ALJBS Check-in Informaton page for more details.

PACK: Pack your bags


•  Bedding (blanket, pillow, and sheets - extra long twin / Twin XL size bed)
•  3-4 pair shorts - "Dress" or "Khaki" or casual/mesh shorts are acceptable
•  Belt
•  6-7 pair undergarments and socks for the week
•  Shoes: 1-2 pairs shoes - casual or dress shoes or "sneakers"
•  Toiletries - including soap, shampoo, deodorant, razor, shaving cream, toothpaste, etc.
•  Towel(s), (wash cloths)


•  Notepad, pens/pencils
•  Small fan, and flashlight OR small lamp
•  Enough spending money for a few souvenirs, snacks/soft drinks and if you wish to use the Weight Room ($4/day). On Thursday night the city celebration will be held, usually $5-$10 will cover the cost for pizza/drinks. Overall, about $40 - $60 will cover the essentials. Souvenirs may be purchased from the Boys State Store or Rider University Book Store. All delegates will be responsible for safeguarding their own money and valuables during the session, so no reason to bring excess cash.


•  1-2 pair pants - any color slacks or "Khaki" style or jeans
•  Sports clothes - "mesh" shorts (shirts provided)
•  Flip-flop/sandals for the shower
•  Sports equipment: baseball glove or tennis racket (all other equipment provided by ALJBS for basketball, softball, flag football, soccer, volleyball, and tennis)
•  Food - only bring small quantities of non-perishable snacks (peanuts, trail mix, energy bars)
•  Mobile phone** and charger
•  Alarm clock
•  Raincoat, poncho or umbrella
•  Laundry Detergent (Rider provides washer/dryer in each dorm free of charge) 1 "pod" or small container will be enough, as cities usually coordinate laundry in groups

•  Band Instrument - if you plan to play in the ALJBS Band

* Each delegate will be provided One (1) Boys State shirt, free of charge, at check-in. One other shirt may be purchased for $20 at check-in; If you need to, you can purchase more shirts later in the week at the Boys State store. Because of this, it is not necessary to bring many shirts to Boys State. A Boys State shirt must be worn at all times when not in dormitories. A colored County Boys State sports shirt will be provided to each delegate for county elections and recreation periods (shorts and sneakers may also be worn during these times), delegates must wear their Boys State sports shirts to the fields for purposes of identification with the ALJBS program and for participation in athletic events.

WHAT NOT TO BRING: It is also highly recommended that delegates do not bring any hi-tech electronic equipment, for example: MP3 players, iPod Docks, hand held video games, laptops, tablets, etc.

** Delegates are allowed to bring their mobile/smart phones, but delegates shall adhere to the mobile phone policy and carry the phone on them, or safeguard in their room when appropriate. Program participants will be allowed to use their phones while in their dorms or other times as the schedule allows, but should have them on silent mode during all seminars, assemblies and classroom time. Delegates do NOT need a mobile phone to participate in any activity at ALJBS.

Please Note, delegates will not receive individual room keys.